
Personal Brand – words not to use.

Picture this. You meet someone new. “What do you do?” she asks. “I’m an architect,” you say. “Oh, really?” she answers. “Have you designed any buildings I’ve seen?” “Possibly,” you reply. “We did the new student center at the university…” “Oh wow,” she says. “That’s a beautiful building…” Without trying — without blowing your own horn — you’ve made a …


A Proactive Job Search Strategy

There are two kinds of job searches, proactive and reactive. Most people use reactive job search strategies, which means they look for job openings and then apply to ones that interest them. So, when you send your resume to recruiters and respond to job board postings, you are really at the mercy of what comes up.  In a proactive job search, you pick the …

Love my Job

Liking Your Job? Start looking…

Waiting until you need a job is the worst time to look for one. Even if you like the job you have, looking for the next opportunity is a smart career move. And if an opportunity comes along, you don’t have to take it. The choice is yours. Here are three reasons you should be looking for a new job …

A Great Resume

Resume Essentials for the New Year

It’s no secret – writing your own resume is hard! In only a few seconds, you need to engage and intrigue the hiring staff, and prove you’re worth an interview. But how can you do that? Related: 3 Tips To Get Your Resume In The ‘Yes’ Pile If you feel like you’re in a resume writing rut you may be too …

Winning at Work

Consistently Winning at Work

There is a right way to win at work It is always important to maintain a friendly workplace environment.  Your co-workers are the people you are going to see for most of your waking hours, so it would be a good idea to get along with them.  But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to win at work and accelerate …

New Job

New Job – Starting it Right

In a new job, first impressions are so important. This is especially true at a new job where you’re meeting so many people for the first time, and most important of all, your new boss. Because this is such a pivotal moment, and so many recent college graduates are now meeting their new bosses for the first time this summer, the LifeGuides team …


Networking for Better Connections

Hate networking or love it, a few key tactics can help you make important connections. When it comes to making new connections, introverts get a bad rap, in spite of the fact that introversion and shyness are not the same thing. While extroverts are the life of the party, introverts do better in smaller, more intimate settings, and they tend …

Distrust - trust

Earning Employee’s Trust

Fostering trust doesn’t have to be daunting. Employees are often suspicious and don’t trust management. Everyone has had a bad boss in the past, and that experience can taint future interactions, unless good bosses are sensitive to this baggage. You can’t take suspicion personally, but you do need to address it. Distrust can drain employee productivity and motivation. It can …

Emails that don't get ignored

Emails that don’t get ignored

Your clients and colleagues don’t have time to engage fully with every email they get. Some of them receive hundreds of messages per day. That’s why they start with the ones they can deal with quickly. They may never get around to answering — or even reading — the rest. So how does your email earn their attention? Try these …