Colorado employment oulook

Colorado Employment 2016 Outlook:

All sectors of employment up – but one – Colorado’s oil and natural gas industry is expected to keep shedding jobs in 2016, perhaps between 1,000 and 2,000. But even with such losses, the state’s overall unemployment has gotten so low that in-migration of new residents will be critical to Colorado filling all of the new jobs expected to come …

Love my Job

Liking Your Job? Start looking…

Waiting until you need a job is the worst time to look for one. Even if you like the job you have, looking for the next opportunity is a smart career move. And if an opportunity comes along, you don’t have to take it. The choice is yours. Here are three reasons you should be looking for a new job …

Innovation Launch

A Launch Manual for Innovation – HBR

 Innovation, The First Mile: That first mile—where innovation moves from an idea into the market—is often plagued by failure. In fact, less than 1% of ideas launched inside organizations have any real impact on the bottom line. The ideas aren’t the problem. It’s the process. In his new book, The First Mile: A Launch Manual for Getting Great Ideas Into the Market, …

Colorado employment oulook

Colorado Companies to Watch 2014

Emerging Colorado Companies inspire confidence in state’s future. They’re past their infancy, but they’ve still got some growing to do. Consider this year’s 50 Colorado Companies to Watch teenagers along the business spectrum, energetic second-stagers that have come a long way already and have the potential to go the distance. “Colorado Companies to Watch (CCTW) recognizes and celebrates the businesses that …

Distrust - trust

Earning Employee’s Trust

Fostering trust doesn’t have to be daunting. Employees are often suspicious and don’t trust management. Everyone has had a bad boss in the past, and that experience can taint future interactions, unless good bosses are sensitive to this baggage. You can’t take suspicion personally, but you do need to address it. Distrust can drain employee productivity and motivation. It can …


Turning Temp into Permanent

A contract, temp position is often the best way to get employed When companies need short-term workers, (or if they just want to “try before they buy,”) they’ll hire temporary employees—also known as “temps,” consultants, freelancers or contract workers. There’s no guarantee those positions will parlay into permanent ones, but it is possible if you play your cards right. “If you are …

Best Fit Interview Prep

Best Fit Interview Prep

Best fit interview prep is one of the most important aspects of the job search However, the vast majority of job seekers simply wing the interview. They figure they know themselves pretty well, and just go in with the idea they can answer the questions quite easily. However, with this approach, one of two things will happen. You will either …