Love my Job

Liking Your Job? Start looking…

Waiting until you need a job is the worst time to look for one. Even if you like the job you have, looking for the next opportunity is a smart career move. And if an opportunity comes along, you don’t have to take it. The choice is yours. Here are three reasons you should be looking for a new job …

Low Colorado Unemployment

Colorado unemployment dips to 4%

Low Colorado unemployment rates and good job growth at the end of 2014 signal Colorado is heading into 2015 with strong economic momentum, however tempered by sagging oil prices, economists said Tuesday. For the year, Colorado logged the biggest proportional drop in unemployment in the nation, as healthy hiring lowered the rate to 4 percent from 6.2 percent. Colorado’s employers …

over american state flag of colorado showed heart and love gestu

Denver economy makes top 20

Metro Denver economy last year ranked 18th out of 381 metro areas Metro Denver economy last year ranked 18th out of 381 metro areas in terms of the value of its goods and services produced, according to a Bureau of Economic Analysis report released Tuesday. Led by the natural resources sector, metro Denver’s GDP (gross domestic product) was $178.8 billion in 2013, …

Break all the job search ‘rules’

Our client Christopher knew something was wrong. “It just didn’t make sense,” he said. “I job-hunted for six months as a full-time job. I customized my resumes and cover letters. I followed every instruction to the letter. I took over thirty online tests in that time, and I got no interviews. My background is a perfect match for at least …

New Job

New Job – Starting it Right

In a new job, first impressions are so important. This is especially true at a new job where you’re meeting so many people for the first time, and most important of all, your new boss. Because this is such a pivotal moment, and so many recent college graduates are now meeting their new bosses for the first time this summer, the LifeGuides team …

Emails that don't get ignored

Emails that don’t get ignored

Your clients and colleagues don’t have time to engage fully with every email they get. Some of them receive hundreds of messages per day. That’s why they start with the ones they can deal with quickly. They may never get around to answering — or even reading — the rest. So how does your email earn their attention? Try these …

Handwriting Prep for Interview

Interview Prep Is Best When Handwritten – a Fact!

The Pen Is Mightier Than the Keyboard. Interview prep is essential to research the company and the people . That interview isn’t an ‘open-book’  exam so retention of it is going to be critical to enable you to weave your research into the conversation and put it to effective use on the spot and without hesitation. Being that familiar with …

Denver Business Skyline

Colorado cities among best for job growth – Forbes

Three of the best cities for jobs in the United States are in Colorado, according to Forbes, which considered job creation and whether that growth is accelerating or slowing in making its list. Actually, there are three lists: one for small cities (less than 150,000 nonfarm jobs), medium-sized cities (150,000 to 450,000 nonfarm jobs) and large cities (more than 450,000 nonfarm …