When it’s taking some time to find that new job, it can wreak havoc on your self-worth and self-esteem. The process can be corrosive. The longer you remain in your search, the more anxious, and less confident you can get, making it even harder to land that new job. Confidence is essential and on your own, difficult to maintain with …
Riskiest Career Move? – Not Taking a Risk
Mark was a survivor. Until he was fired in 2012, six months shy of his 50th birthday, he’d done everything right — rising through the ranks of the book publishing industry, from editorial assistant to associate editor to senior editor, then into management as an editor-in-chief. But as e-books and Amazon destabilized the industry, and waves of consolidation contracted available …
Midway in a Career and Feeling Stuck ?
If you’re midway through your career and feeling stuck, you are not alone. Maybe work doesn’t feel meaningful anymore, or your industry has drastically evolved, or your values and interests have changed. No matter what, your 40-something self is a very different person from the 20-something you were when you started out. The fact that this is such a common experience doesn’t make it …
On a Job Search… or a Career Search?
A person holds several jobs over the course of their career. Changing jobs within the same field of work is easier to do than switching careers. When you switch careers the person may have to begin at the bottom of the ladder and progress like any new entrant to that field. Someone who holds a job usually does it mainly …
Working for the Right Company?
Wasted Talent. Sadly, I see it every day. When I hear about how troubling the workplace has become, and specifically the toxic cultures and environments some people work in, I get knots in my stomach. As a resume writer and career counselor, I often find myself serving as a trusted confidante and advisor. Many times that translates to hearing the dirty …
Resolutions Already Broken? Here’s How to Reach Them
Did you make any resolutions this year? Did you resolve to go to the gym, lose weight, make more money, save more money, or be less stressed? How well are you doing so far? If your resolutions have already fallen by the wayside or never started. You’re not alone. A FranklinCovey survey found that more than 75 percent of people break their New …
Resume Essentials for the New Year
It’s no secret – writing your own resume is hard! In only a few seconds, you need to engage and intrigue the hiring staff, and prove you’re worth an interview. But how can you do that? Related: 3 Tips To Get Your Resume In The ‘Yes’ Pile If you feel like you’re in a resume writing rut you may be too …
Get Out Of That Unemployment Funk!
Unemployment is not easy… Especially when you’ve been out of a job for more than six months. You don’t know what day it is, you don’t have to wake up early (at least not for work), and you’ve developed a not-so-friendly relationship with your computer. Related: The 3-Step ‘Beat Unemployment’ Plan In the more extreme of cases, your bills may be …
What’s Killing Your Career Mojo?
Can you see me? Can you hear me? Does anything I say mean anything to you? Again and again, I hear from professionals who are not being seen, not being heard and, moreover, not being challenged on the job. On top of dealing with feeling invisible, there are large numbers of professionals that lack true validation from their supervisor and/or …
28 of Outside’s 100 best places to work are here in Colorado
Four Colorado companies are in the top 10 and half of the spots in the top 20. Colorado companies once again dominate Outside magazine’s annual list of the Best Places to Work — especially those with some sort of love for adventure sports or connection to the outdoor sports industry. With four in the top 10 and half of the spots …
Why Your Employees Think They’d Be a Better Boss
A new survey offers some surprising insight into what goes on in your employees’ minds. Ever wonder what’s really going on in your employees’ heads? A new University of Phoenix survey of more than 1,000 working adults may provide some insight into what those who work for you are thinking–but not saying out loud. The results are surprising. You might guess that …
Best Decisions – When To Trust Instinct?
Call it instinct, intuition or just a hunch — all smart business professionals know what it’s like when somethining simply feels right (or wrong). Making a decision based on this sixth sense may not seem wise at the time, but as any successful entrepreneur can tell you, the best business decisions aren’t always based on logical analysis. Paying attention to …
Career Stuck ? – Digging Out
A successful career is one of those life goals that is right in line with marriage, a mortgage, kids, and two bright and shiny new cars in the driveway. Unfortunately, this is rarely the case. More often than any time in history, well-educated people are stuck in jobs that they’re overqualified for and feel blocked for promotions. So, why not …
Successful Steps to Fearless Mondays!
Those first few hours after a Colorado weekend are critical. Start your week off right. Monday mornings are the most critical time of the workweek, as they set the stage for the day and week ahead. “Because you’ve stepped away for a couple days, these back-to-work mornings are the most memorable for the rest of the week,” says Lynn Taylor, …